Am 29. Aug, 2007 schwätzte Dennis Kibbe so: > Isn't this what Styles & Formatting is designed for? Just type F11 and > right click on the style and modify it globally. You do it exactly the > same way in Writer. Now I just need to figure out what those things are and how to use them... > ASIDE: Whenever someone says that didn't import and format a > document correctly, click on View / Nonprinting Characters (CRTL F10). > Nine times out of ten (I'd bet) the document was formated using tabs and > spaces just as one would have done if using a typewriter. These "hard" > characters force inappropriate on the new document. Woohoo! The one document that I maintain in OO.o doesn't have any funky characters, tabs or unnecessary returns! :) ciao, der.hans -- # # "The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." # -- Albert Einstein