Am 12. Jul, 2007 schwätzte Dennis Kibbe so: moin moin, > September 15th is Software Freedom Day and the perfect day for PLUG to put on an event to promote Free software to the general public. The website is > > There are over 100 teams doing events around the world and I think Arizona should be represented. If we get our team registered by July 31st the organizers will send us t-shirts, stickers and other promotional items. Among the Software Freedom Day sponsors are Ubuntu and the Free Software Foundation. Hmmm, maybe this might come up at the Stammtisch... ciao, der.hans -- # # Passwords are like underwear. You don't share them, you don't hang them on # your monitor, or under your keyboard, you don't email them, or put them on # a web site, and you must change them very often. -- Unknown