Am 29. Mar, 2007 schwätzte Andrew Harris so: > The West-side isn't west enough. Again, I'm a kid. Who would go to a LUG meeting organized by a kid? The first LUG I attended was started by a person of youth :). He later moved to .jp and I took over as president. > Ok, maybe lots of people. But how can I organize a LUG meeting? On the end-user/hacker scale, I'm a little more towards the end-user side. (Although I've convinced myself that I'm a hacker, even though I'm not :P ) You don't need to know lots of technical stuff to start a meeting. You do need to be committed to being there and making it happen. We haven't had that for the (north)west side meeting and it shows[0]. All the other events have someone to drive them. You have interest. You have enthusiasm. Those are far more important than technical knowledge. Even for a LUG. Again, I'm not trying to push you towards starting something. That's a decision you ( and your parents ) have to decide. If you do start something and want it to be a PLUG event we would love to support your efforts! Most of that support will be in helping you promote the event, but we might also be able to help get presenters or other resources. I really think you'd be best off starting with a Stammtisch. Find a location with wireless that can hold 10 or 20 people. If 3 people show up, that's fine, but you want to be able to handle at least a dozen or so. The beauty of a Stammtisch is that you just hang out and talk. It doesn't even have to be about GNU/Linux or other Free Software. A Free Software Stammtisch is a place for Free Software enthusiasts to meet and hang out. They talk about whatever comes up, which might be a book or a movie or how much petroleum products are used in fast food... If you start a Stammtisch in your area I think it would be great if it were the same time as the one I started, 19:00 on the third Tuesday of the month, but feel free to hold it a different time if that time is bad for you. Geographically the Valley is huge. It's a commitment to drive across town for events ( I do that every month, so I'm very familiar with the time and effort it takes ). I would love it if we had events in different parts of town. I was hoping the Estrella Community College LUG was still open to everyone, but I learned this week it's only for students. Fine, let's do something else. In the end, you don't need my approval or the approval of anyone else in PLUG. Do what you think sounds interesting and plausible to you. If you do something that works for PLUG the Steering Committee would love to support your efforts. I'm certain many other PLUG members would as well. I can say all of the above in my role as Chairman of PLUG, but honestly that role doesn't give me any authority to approve or deny anything. PLUG is a volunteer run organization. PLUG does stuff because people volunteer to make them happen. Please also remember that participating in the discuss list is a great way to help PLUG and make things happen. [0] A few of us have recently been putting a lot of effort in to the west side meeting. The meeting is starting to take off again. It's way in the north part of the Valley, so doesn't help you, but I wanted to say that the (north)west side is growing. ciao, der.hans -- # # If you don't think for yourself, others will think for you -- # to their advantage. -- Harold Gordon