Am 12. Nov, 2006 schwätzte Joshua Zeidner so: > Macs are fairly popular, but the Mac crowd rarely intersects with the Linux > crowd. This is probably due to the fact that if someone could get linux > running, why would they buy a Mac? Hmmm, I find that there are lots of intersections. The local OS X group started off with several Free Software enthusiasts from PLUG. I know lots of sysadms who use a multitude of operating systems. Many of them are even Free Software enthusiasts. To some extent they use OSen other than GNU/Linux or *BSD due to job requirements, but some also just prefer to use them for one reason or another. I think promoting Free Software due to the freedoms is how Free Software will succeed. I also think the restrictiveness of proprietary software is how it will fail. Trying to make it a duel about "we're better" or "we're spiffier" or "we're $whatever" or "they suck" is the wrong way to go. True or not, it just turns into a fight. Does this mean I disagree with Shuttleworth's recent call to make GNU/Linux prettier? No, of course not. In fact, he's hitting on what Free Software developers have been working on for years, continue making Free Software the best around and keep working on the areas that need help. Mark just pointed out that, in his opinion, the attractiveness of Free Software is something he thinks needs help. ciao, der.hans -- # # Join the League of Professional System Administrators # "We should not be building surveillance technology into standards. # Law enforcement was not supposed to be easy. # Where it is easy, it's called a police state." -- Jeff Schiller