Am 07. Nov, 2006 schwätzte Josef Lowder so: > While I don't have any files or links on my computer that need to > be hid from anyone's view, when I recently got the "popup" message > shown below (one that Firefox failed to block), it made me wonder > where all there might be files and/or "cookies" and/or other such > stuff hidden on a Linux computer that might be good to clear out > periodically. More and more applications are keeping caches of history. Some have for a long time, e.g. ~/.bash_history :). There are several modules for firefox that will help you control cookies, caches, histories and other data that might indicate what you've been looking at. NoScript Distrust Stealther CookieSwap CookieSafe I don't necessarily recommend any of those, but you might want to look at them. I do recommend Flashblock. You might want to also be concerned about information collected elsewhere. Certainly google and amazon aren't the only companies keeping permanent records on our interactions with the company. ciao, der.hans -- # # Sysdamin Days Phoenix, 6-7 Nov, now with edu discount # "Life is pain, Highness! Anyone who says differently is selling something." # -- Dread Pirate Roberts in The Princess Bride