Am 07. Sep, 2006 schwätzte Darrin Chandler so: > I wonder how many people would show if there were a System > Administrators meeting? 2. Me and some homeless guy who got lost and can't figure out how to escape. I used to do sysadm topics and got lots of complaints that no one cared about them, so I stopped giving them. > While I think there's a place for apps like GIMP, Blender and such, and > probably a wide audience, you'll probably never see me at one of those > meetings. Well, we can find a way to make it interesting for you. "Using Inkscape to control your firewall" :) > You can have geographically-based meetings and try to draw the biggest > numbers (and turn off people with no interest) or have SIG-type > meetings. As you may guess, I would prefer SIG meetings. They would have > their own set of problems, of course. But I think SIGs would be a good > thing, and perhaps instead of 20 new users groups sprouting up we could > have a few SIGs (SA, Web dev, Noobs/Apps). The magazine format Brian suggested and that we're trying to follow at the east side meetings is an attempt to do both. We're trying to generally have 3 topics. One for newbie/desktop stuff. One for somewhat advance, hopefully building on a previous newbie/desktop topic. And finally, one that's advanced or special interest. We could have one of the 3 topics eat the time for one of the others or even occasionally have one topic take up the whole night. I expect the mars presentation we haven't yet announced to take the whole night :). ciao, der.hans -- # # Join the League of Professional System Administrators! # "The first requisite of a good citizen in this republic of ours is that # he should be able and willing to pull his weight." -- Theodore Roosevelt