Am 11. Aug, 2006 schwätzte Boyd Tong so: > I am trying to update my Dell Dimension L700cx from Ubuntu 5.10 to > 6.06using a CD created with the download. I have my boot sequence > floppy,CD, > HDD. With CD in drive the system still boots through to the current Maybe the CD you burned is not bootable. > version. One web site suggestion is to copy sbm.bin to a floppy and use > that the start the upgrade process. I formatted two floppys, one with Fat > and one with ext2. Using the file browser to find the file, I then opened > the archive dropdown and chose Save As. The error mesage is "given UDI in > not a mountable volumn". I then used a terminal to "mount /media/floppy". > The second attempt to Save As resulted in the error mesage "Archive type not > supported". > I would appreciate help on what to try next. Boyd Read all the way to the end before writing the floppy. Back in the day, luckily I've avoided floppies for many years, you had to write the boot image to the floppy with no filesystem. dd if=sbm.bin of=/dev/fd0 dd does bit for bit copies. if == in file, so sbm.bin in your case. of == out file, so the floppy device in your case. In the end, though, it shouldn't matter as to do an upgrade you don't need to boot to the new CD. You mention updating from 5.10 to Badger. I believe Breezy Badger was 5.04 and Warty Warthog was 5.10. That's what my apt.sources history seems to indicate. I presume you want to go from whatever you have to Dapper Drake, aka 6.06 LTS. The following bit presumes you're running 5.10, but if you're not you can still upgrade via the package manager. When you click on 'upgrades available' icon on the task bar or start system upgrader by hand it'll let you know there's a new version and give you an opportunity to upgrade. On the taskbar choose System -> Administration -> Update Manager. That will give you the opportunity to upgrade. If you don't have that, you need to change the sources in /etc/apt/sources.list by hand. Easy to do, just not very clicky. Let us know if that's what you need to do. If you want to use the CD or the CD ISO for the upgrade rather than pulling everying off the Net that is also possible. You'll need to have an entry like the following in your sources.list. # deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 # (20041020)]/ unstable main restricted There is a package for managing CD package sources, I believe. If you're moving from something other than the last upgrade you should read the release notes and errate for 6.06 to make sure there aren't any additional steps you need to take. ciao, der.hans -- # # Join the League of Professional System Administrators! # "If it's not a toy you're looking at it wrong." -- der.hans