Am 19. Jan, 2006 schwätzte Dennis Kibbe so: > Don't forget Thurmann's Unix class at SCC and similar classes at MCC. Speaking of classes... Would someone take charge of getting Valley Free Software classes listed up on the web site? The community colleges have Linux and FS programming classes. Same with ASU, UAT, Collins, etc. There are also private companies that do training. It'd be great if we could point people at places where they can learn. Minimally we need to list the institution. Better would be have pointers to the departments that teach the classes. Even better would be keeping updated schedules. For the latter the instructors should be willing to help us out a little. ciao, der.hans -- # # Join the League of Professional System Administrators! # In order to live free and happily, you must sacrifice boredom. # It is not always an easy sacrifice.