Hoorraayyy!!! It's taken *forever*, but I'm really glad they're almost there, and that they decided to include full 1.1 support, instead of the static-only support they've been targeting for most of the past 5 years. now, if I can just remember where I left all those really cool SVG transform sheets I developed a few years back.... ==Joseph++ Ted Gould wrote: >On Mon, 2005-04-18 at 12:43 -0700, Jeremy C. Reed wrote: > > >>I wonder if we should organize some letter campaign or website to request >>certain websites to use open standards. >> >>Maybe DHTML and Javascript or SVG could be used instead. >> >>Some interesting links: >>http://www.carto.net/papers/svg/comparison_flash_svg/ >>http://digitalcraft.com.au/svg/blurbs/01/blurb001.aspx >>http://digital-web.com/articles/svg_the_new_flash/ >>(There are probably some up-to-date documents too.) >> >> > >Well, browser support for SVG really hasn't been there. But... > >http://svg.org/story/2005/4/15/112845/127 > >Makes me smile :) > > --Ted > > >