On Mar 27, 2005, at 1:34 PM, Jared Anderson wrote: > pronounce these *Lenn Nicks* related words: The most widely used version of Linux is the one Linus himself uses which is lin-ucks. > Debian: deb-EE-an (it's a contraction of the names Deborah and Ian) > Suse: soo-SEE > Knoppix: NAH-picks > MySQL: my-ESS-QUEUE-ELL > Gentoo: jen-TWO > Windows: win-DOHS > Gnome: GUH-nom or just nome. Pronunciation is available on the GNOME website. > Ubuntu: ooh-BOON-too -- pronunciation is available on Ubuntu's website. > Cygwin: SIGH-win > apropos: ah-pro-PO -- this one is actually a normal english word which was (from what I can tell from the word itself) "borrowed" from French. Look it up in the dictionary for it's pronunciation. =o) > Mepis: MEH-pis Just my $0.02. =o) -- June Tate * http://www.theonelab.com * june@theonelab.com