hi was at the meeting tonight was speaking with a slacker re: hotplugging probs basically i got around it by installing bare.i kernal and did choose use hotplugging during boot up and same problem, but the next time i rebooted i passed: no usb to the kernal and actually GOT usb then of course if i say nothing i get USB hotplugging and then it freezes whatever it works now i have to fix my sound and wifi card can we work on that next? thanks, mike "There are two main products that come out of Berkely: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence." -Jeremy S. Anderson "Linux for Servers. Macintosh for graphics. Palm for portability. and Windoze for Solitaire My Site [ http://www.solodiver.net ] --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? vote.yahoo.com - Register online to vote today!