On Sat, Jun 26, 2004 at 09:29:40PM -0700, plug wrote: > entire drive, several times over. With reiserfs's default block size of > 4096 bytes, that'd be about 347.3 gigabytes... I think it's safe to say > this drive is zeroed. :) You're off by a factor of eight. The "blocks" that are reported have nothing to do with the block size of the filesystem. From the man page: [dd] reads the input one block at a time, using the specified input block size (the default is 512 bytes). So that means that 84800992 blocks translates to roughly 40 gigabytes, or about half the disk. One thing that you can do to speed it up (tremendously) is to specify a larger block size. A 512-byte block is inefficient on modern hardware. First, you read 512 bytes, then you write 512 bytes. Then you read *another* 512 bytes, then you write *another* 512 bytes. What I prefer to do is to specify a block size (the "bs=" option) equal to the drive's buffer size, which for most drives today would be two megabytes ("bs=2M"). If you're not sure how much you have, either look in cat /proc/ide/hda/cache or just specify the command as "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=`cat /proc/ide/hda/cache`k". Rationale: With modern hardware, 512 bytes is quite inefficient. It's better to just give it a large chunk all at once and let the hardware do what it was designed to do. I've tried ten-megabyte block sizes, but that caused a lot of thrashing on my system, and I'm running with 512MB of RAM. I figure that by using a block size equal to the cache size, especially when you're taking input from /dev/zero (which takes almost no time to read), you're filling up the cache, fetching another block as it starts writing, and trickling it into the cache as the cache empties onto the disk. I have used this method when reading a partition to make an image ("dd if=/dev/hda2 bs=2M |gzip -cd >filename.tar.gz") of a partition for backup purposes, and it's sped up the operation by a factor of what seems like an integer multiple. -- Bill Jonas * bill@billjonas.com * http://www.billjonas.com/ "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your front door. You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to." -- Bilbo Baggins