Leechers! PLEASE leave the bittorrent download open after it's finished. Currently, I'm the only seed which defeats the purpose of bittorrent. By leaving the bittorrent open, you allow others to download from you the entire file, as well as from me, which combines to faster speeds. It's not too late to re-open it and start seeding the image if you haven't deleted the image. Just re-open the torrent. It doesn't use that many resources and it realy helps everyone else. Furthermore, you're already sharing the pieces that you've downloaded with other peers who haven't retrieved them yet, a seed is no different except that they have the whole file to share. Also, you can still access the downloaded file just fine, wihtout any problems when it's finished. That includes burning the CD. Again, please leave the bittorrents open after they've finihsed downloading. It's for the community. -Bryce The only bittorrent seed for the PLUG Knoppix ISO, available vie suprnova.org, "Misc", "Linux". P.S. For those who haven't reached download speeds of 1-3k/s, you will soon when you catch up to the other leechers unless more people start seeding. -- Bryce C CoBryce Communications