Unfortunately, I do hate Xemacs. I don't like gvim either, though I use it sometimes. I found that SciTe uses Scintilla and it has a shell luxer file that allows it to hilight bash. So I should be able to use that with Anjuta, but I can't figure it out. I've been spoiled with the anti-aliased fonts in Gnome, and I can't bare to use programs that don't have nice fonts now! So it's my own problem! lol. I just deal with no pretty colors for shell. Oh well. Luckily, most of my day is not spent in shell coding. But I do love bash. It's fun, and so far pretty easy! nathan > > XEmacs, the text-whacking system everyone loves to > hate, does everything. > > When asking questions about XEmacs, the answers to your > first 50 questions that start: "Does it do ...?" are > all "Yes". > > But doesn't vim do bash highlighting? (Or gvim if it > must be graphics oriented.) -- Nathan England plug at the-arcanum.org jabber id: linuxjunkie@jabber.earth.li GnuPG Key: E8D983D8 "A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular." --Adlai Stevenson Registered Linux User #189789, Machine #106603