PLUG will be meeting at 7pm at The Desert Breeze Substation. Desert Breeze Substation 251 North Desert Breeze Blvd Chandler, AZ 85226 The Desert Breeze Substation is on Chandler Blvd and Desert Breeze Blvd, which is half way between McClintock and Rural. It is very close to both the south 202 and 101 freeways. Public transportation is available into the late hours. See for a map and other info. Presentations this month include: Topic: CLI packet forensics As Information Security evolves, more tools are being released that allow us investigate incidents quicker and easier, conversely making many analyst lazier. The sacrifice we have made to this idol of convenience is increasing layers of abstraction from the 'truth' of raw data, placing trust in tools we did not write using methods we do not know. While these high level tools are good to have, the ability to use simple, low-level tools is essential for security professionals. This workshop will focus on using 'low-level' tools for network forensics. We will be using Wireshark's CLI tools, tcpdump, and Linux CLI tools to look at PCAPs to find and extract interesting information. A laptop with an Ubuntu VM is recommended, as all the tools we will be using should be 'apt-get'able. Please install these tools before the workshop if at all possible. Topic: Basic Modelling Tools in Blender 3D Basic introduction to Blender, focusing on the modelling tools. The basic geometric techniques (extrusion, knife cut, radial cutting tool etc) along with the sculpting tools (and the dynamic topology sculpting tools). Then an example of how to use the boolean tools to create geometry as well. Finally a quick demonstration of what "UV unwrapping" is about, and how to utilize it. BIO: Phil Waclawski has been teaching Linux at Mesa Community college for about 15 years. He also teaches Web Development, Javascript, PHP, MySQL and basic Linux internet server set up. He has done summer camps for high school students teaching them the basics of 3D modelling with Blender. He first started in Linux with version 1.0 on Slackware back in 1994, and has been hooked every since. Various hobbies include leatherwork, blacksmithing, wood work , archery (belongs to the Society for Creative Anachronism) and lately SCUBA. Was happily surprised to find out the Linux based software for his dive computer was written partly by Linus. Hans will also be doing another short presentation in his desktop security series. See you there, Brian Cluff _______________________________________________ PLUG-announce mailing list - PLUG Website at --------------------------------------------------- PLUG-discuss mailing list - To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change your mail settings: