Actually, using VNC you can even get GUI access with a 'local' ssh forward of the VNC port. Been there, done that, it works. Check out these 2 ssh command lines: ssh -L 5902:there:5902 me@overthere This will ssh into 'overthere' as 'me', and once you are logged in 'overthere' it will forward port 5902 from the machine on which you STARTED the ssh session to the VNC server (port 5902) on machine 'there' - which for best results is over on the same subnet as 'overthere' :-) In other words, say "ssh -L 5902:vncserver:5902 me@vncserver" then, once you are logged in, from the same machine on which you did the ssh, connect to 'localhost' using VNC client - and you are instead talking to the vncserver's VNC (:2 or :1, I think). ssh -R 9283:there2:9283 me@overthere As before, once you have gotten logged in as 'me' 'overthere', it forwards a port, but this time from the 'overthere' side back to your side, so that 'there2' should be on the same subnet as the machine from which you started the ssh. Note that there is NO requirement for the two port numbers to be the same value. If that's confusing, sorry, but ssh DOES tend to be a bit of a swiss army knife! Rusty --------------------------------------------------- PLUG-discuss mailing list - To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change your mail settings: