There seems to be a bug in rdesktop that causes a segmentation fault quite often, which makes the program hard to use. In the Debian bug tracking system, it has been traced back to an upgrade of the package libx11-6 from version 1.0.3-6 to 1.0.3-7. The rdesktop folks are working on a fix for rdesktop (the patches floating around the net seem to still have issues), but in the meantime I still need to use rdesktop, and the segmentation faults are getting annoying. I need to downgrade libx11-6 to version 1.0.3-6. I tried the following and it did not work: 1. Edited /etc/apt/preferences to look like this: Package: libx11-6 Pin: version 1.0.3-6 Pin-Priority: 1001 Package: * Pin release a=testing Pin-Priority: 800 Package: * Pin release a=stable Pin-Priority: 600 2. I then did an apt-get update and apt-get upgrade. I thought this might downgrade the package, but it didn't. 3. I then tried apt-get install libx11-6=1.0.3-6 and got this error message: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done E: Version '1.0.3-6' for 'libx11-6' was not found I searched the Debian site and could not find the older libx11-6 package for i386. Is there a repository somewhere with older versions of packages? My hunch is that I need to add an entry in my sources.list for a repository of the older version. Google did not come up with any obvious choices. Also, am I doing this whole package downgrade process correctly? Is there a better way? Thanks! Mark --------------------------------------------------- PLUG-discuss mailing list - To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change you mail settings: