On Wed, 2004-06-02 at 09:51, Kevin Brown wrote: > OE under 2k/XP will save the data to the "Documents and Settings" area, which is > copied to and from samba when a user logs in (at least it is with roaming > profiles and Samba acting as an NT4 PDC). > > A problem with this setup is: > User A logs into System A and fetches mail to OE. Without logging off, user A > also logs into System B and again checks for mail. Now what he will end up > having in his roaming profile is determined by the last system the user logs off > of, so if he logs off System B and then off System A he will lose all the mail > that System B retrieved. Reverse is true for logging off A first then B. > > What would probably be better is to setup IMAP on a system and just have OE or > other mail client (eudora, thunderbird, mozilla, etc...) configured to view mail > off the IMAP system. That way mail is truly held by that system and not on the > individual PCs. You could setup fetchmail or some other user controllable app > to retrieve the mail and stick it in the IMAP storage for that user (since it > should just be a specific folder under /home/