I am on various linux mailing lists and everyone once in a while a thread will get cross posted so I will get it twice (sometimes three times if I happen to be CC:ed) and it will all end up in whatever procmail rule catches it first. Anyone know of a way to catch cross-posted messages via procmail and have it only store the first copy of it? Maybe do a md5 hash of something that is cross posted and everyime that same set of To:, From: and Cc: headers is seen, discard the message if the hashes match and increment some counter. If the counter == number of lists I am on that would receive this message, delete it. This sounds incredibly complicated and requires keeping state across procmail instances so I'm thinking there must be a _MUCH_ easier method. Anyone? Tnx, ~Deepak -- Deepak Saxena - dsaxena at plexity dot net - http://www.plexity.net/