In a message dated 2/8/2004 10:31:06 AM US Mountain Standard Time, writes: 1. Does anyone have any experience with tiger direct rebates? 2. Does anyone have experience with SiS 635 based mobo's under linux? .-. NOBODY has ever said any nice words about Tiger. I've used 735 boards extensively, not 635. The integrated sound is a bit of a PITA, but newer systems are probably better than my old Slackwares were. I just added on a $12 sound card because I didn't like the integrated sound anyway (of course, that was with a very old 735 board; I understand later ones were improved) If you want a cheap offer, I'd reccomend the $40 special Fry's frequently runs. Much better performance (Duron 1600, and it's out the door for less money than the pre-rebate price of this monstrosity (from what I heard, the processor is SOLDERED!). Again, it may be an issue with sound from what I hear (I messed up my partitions pretty badly, and will reinstall when a 2.6 distro comes out, so I can't tell)