Am 04. Feb, 2004 schw=E4tzte Vaughn Treude so: > Sounds like an excellent project. I can't think of a better application = for > Free Software, not only in the interest of saving the taxpayers money but= for > the potential educational value of something that can be built upon by th= e > young hackers of the future. The Open Source Education Foundation is a non-profit in Tucson working to create Free Software for education. > Speaking of education, a friend of mine says that this "No child left beh= ind" > law is supposed to be a big boon to software people, as much of the money > allocated by the Feds will be eaten up with programming efforts to fund t= he > government's voracious appetite for reports on everything the schools do. > Open source could provide the schools a bit of relief on that, particular= ly > if it can be well-integrated with their existing systems (probably MS.) = I > was going to investigate this further before posting (it bugs me when peo= ple > say "we should look into this" while taking no initiative themselves) but= I > am suddenly swamped. So I put this thought forward for someone who's in > need of project ideas. This is the type of thing that we need Free Software companies to pursue. Schools are developing a respect and desire for Free Software. I think this is definitely an expanding market. ciao, der.hans --=20 # # Fairy Tale, n.: A horror story to prepare children for the newspapers.