On Thu, 5 Feb 2004, Craig White wrote: > # scp -r testdir exchange@localhost: > exchange@localhost's password: > # > and then finally... > back in the original directory... > ls -l > drwxrwxrwx 2 exchange dom_users 4096 Feb 5 10:20 testdir > -rwxr-xr-x 1 exchange dom_users 347 Feb 5 10:20 testfile2 > > the directory is group writable, the file is not. This means that only > the user exchange can delete these files. This is not acceptable. This > has nothing to do with WinSCP Your permissions are getting whacked because you're not using the "-p" option to scp. Your command should be: scp -rp file user@localhost:/dir I have seen some man pages for scp that do not document this option for some reason. Gary