Austin Godber said: > Great article on expocity ... I am glad to know it exists ... that plus > gdesklets you don't need a Mac anymore. How did python end up the > language of eyecandy anyhow? (not necessarily a rhetorical question) gDesklets is the sole reason I stopped pining for OS X. :) Have you programmed in Python? Once you get over the whitespace its hard to consider anything else. It boosts productivity by magnitudes (imho). I think eyecandy folks want something that is productive and intuitive as they want to get results more than they want the "geek factor". > Oh, BTW, I hate to be picky but could you change my last name to Godber > rather than Goodbar? If fo some reason you PREFER Goodbar ... that is > fine ... I probably won't bother changing it on my side however ;) Ah come on. You know it would be cool to woo the ladies with lines like "So you want a piece of Mr. Goodbar". -Derek