On Tue, 3 Feb 2004 20:31:23 -0700, Jeff Garland wrote > On Tue, 3 Feb 2004 20:12:22 -0700, Michael Havens wrote > > You might want to email the author (at bottom), tell him what you > > plan, and see if he can add it to the dist. Good luck Jeff! > > Thx, I read the info on DSL and I'm downloading it now just to see > how / if it will run on reasonably on the machine. Then I'll go > from there... Replies to self.... DSL is pretty sweet. Loaded up on this old laptop in about 1 minute off the CD, recognized the hardware just fine, and only used 18K of memory -- even with X and several Apps running. The little text editor included is pretty good -- certainly better then typing with no feedback. Of course for KTouch I would need KDE which could be a problem. I also ran across this article that explains how to customize Knoppix. http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2003/11/20/knoppix.html Looks like I might be going into the distro building business :-) Any other tips appreciated... Jeff