On Saturday January 31 2004 11:24 pm, KevinO wrote: *v*Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 20:47:51 -0700 *v*From: KevinO *v*To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us *v*Subject: Re: Cox and email revisited *v*Reply-To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us *v* *v*-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- *v*Hash: SHA1 *v*Not that I intend to defend Cox... *v* *v*Your mailserver identifies itself as : azwebz ? *v* *v*As long as your IP stays the same, your might have better luck using a valid, *v*full name that matches your IP address: ip68-2-118-161.ph.ph.cox.net *v* *v*People are getting more strict with their mail servers.... *v* *v*- -- *v*KevinO *v* Kevin, Are you saying that because the host name on my pc is different than my e= mail=20 addy, I am in fact relaying? My ip address only stays the same as long as cox lets it stay the same. I= 've=20 had three different ips in the last year. I think the blocking was done a= t=20 the other end because I went to my internet based mail server and tried t= o=20 email my client and got the same response. My original rant was about cox's refusal to do anything for Linux users, = yes=20 they were friendly but very unhelpful. --=20 Augie Grayfox grayfox78 at cox dot net "When things go wrong, don't go with them" Anonymous