On Sat, 31 Jan 2004, Bryce C wrote:~ > On Sat, 2004-01-31 at 10:01, Robert.Wultsch@asu.edu wrote: > > > > On Fri, 2004-01-30 at 11:18, Robert.Wultsch@asu.edu wrote: > > > > > Is it possible to network my house in the manner shown in the > > > diagram? I am > > > > > wondering if I will have issues using 2 switches and having > > > everything be able > > > > > to talk to the server? > > > > > > > > > > http://www.public.asu.edu/~rwultsch/diagram.bmp > > > > > On Fri, 2004-01-30 at 12:07, Bryce C wrote: > > > > Nope. I see no problems. Have fun! > > > > Quoting elemint@hotpop.com: > > > What is the advantage of networking the tivo's? Are they running > > > Debian > > > or stock tivo load? Are they directtv tivo's? > > > > > > Jim > > > > First off if anyone has any 4.0 Tivo OS image I would love to beg it off you. > > > > At this point I am just evaluating my options as to what I could do. I now own 1 > > Directivo and one MS Ultimatetv (a far better designed machine which is far more > > responsive even though it has a slower processor and half the RAM on the same > > architecture) I am considering selling my UTV to buy another DTV. As it is a > > Directivo the Home Media Option (a way to stream media from one tivo to another > > across a wired or wireless LAN) will likely not be availible for quite some time > > so it would be nice to something like that myself. > > > > I would very much like to get video extraction working on both tivo's if I were > > to get another one, and perhaps install debian on one and use it as very high > > uptime samba server for me to backup data and to feed music/vidoes to the > > xbox's. (It would also be cool if I could get a DHCP sever going) I am one of > > those people that is constantly messing with my desktop until it does not work > > so getting a server that I would not have to worry about would be sweet. My big > > concern is that running a samba server in the backround would make a tivoso slow > > as to be unuseable. > > > > This sounds like a project that if I wrote it up well I could submit to /. ... > > You might also look at MythTV (http://www.mythtv.org). I'm not sure > whether or how well it runs on Tivo hardware but it sounds perfect for > your project. You could still run a samba server, a dhcp server, and > stream your TV recordings (and live TV too) to other mythfrontend > installs anywhere. > Good luck. > > -- > Bryce C > CoBryce Communications A series 2 tivo is basicly a 200 Mhz MIPS computer with 64 MB of RAM, so even if Mythtv compiled cleanely (which I have serious doublts about) then I would have to start begging tivo for drivers for directv hardware which I would place serious money on them turning me down for. Tivo OS has enough issues with being slow on it's own hardware that I vermuch doublt that it other software would run well. For comparison MS Ultimatv which is very similar in hardware except half (MIPS 100 Mhz 32 MB ram if I remember correctly) runs far faster, but runs windows CE... and tivo series 1 run on a 50 Mhz PowerPC with 32 mb ram...