I can't believe I'm asking this question, but it is time again to ask it. What distro is best? Now before you either laugh or flame me off the mailing list, here's where I'm at - I'm not naive enough to really think a particular distro is "best". I am the SE at a mid-sized corp, with about 1500 client machines and 25-30 servers. I began introducing Linux to this company a couple of years ago and we now have 3 Red Hat servers and several of the junior admins run Linux on the desktop. I am being encouraged to do more with OSS. (Hurray!) I originally suggested to my company that we standardize on a distro, and selected RH. Their new licensing is of course now making us reconsider that choice. Now I'm all for putting money back into Linux (especially when it's the companies, and not mine! :) I'm not looking for Linux for free (beer). But my company wants to control costs, and I can't really suggest going forward with RHEL servers at $800+/yr a pop and rolling out RHEL WS desktops at $150+/yr subscriptions. What are other admins doing? I have my own opinions on what I like for my own desktop, and I don't need hot-headed religious babble. But I would very much like some reasoned discussion on the options for business Linux! Thanks very much for your comments. . __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free web site building tool. Try it! http://webhosting.yahoo.com/ps/sb/