Joseph Gledhill said: > > I am trying to get Kino working properly under debian. It appears that > none of the encoding software (mpeg2enc, mp2enc, mplex) is available to > debian (i have checked Has anyone ever used kino > in Debian that can help me out? Kino appears available in stable, testing and unstable. is your friend. I believe that kino suggests mjpegtools, which is not in the distro. You can add one of the following line to your sources.list: deb stable main deb testing main deb unstable main then apt-get update then apt-get install mjpegtools libmjpegtools0 libmjpegtools-dev Christian Marillat has lots of codecs for quicktime and real and such as well in his repository to its nice to have a sources.list entry for his repository if you are doing multimedia stuff. I have never played with kino, so I am just going on past experience doing simliar things. Let me know if this works or not. -Derek