On Mon, 2004-01-26 at 13:35, Don Calfa wrote: > Is there a floppy based distro with ntfs drivers that I can use to get > into this thing with? Here is a list from freshmeat.net: http://freshmeat.net/browse/1013/ Another idea might be to remove the hard drive and mount it (read-only) on another box somewhere. You might need an adapter to connect a standard IDE cable to the tiny laptop hard drive (trip to Fry's). For example, assuming the laptop drive is addressed by the booting kernel as /dev/hdb and the interesting partitions are hdb1 and hdb5 (adjust accordingly): (Use `dmesg | grep hd` to see the HD enumeration) (Use `fdisk /dev/hdb` to see the partitions, press command 'p') # mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/w2k/hdb1 # mount /dev/hdb5 /mnt/w2k/hdb5 # cp -R /mnt/w2k/ /root/evidence/ # umount /dev/hdb1 # umount /dev/hdb5 Better yet, don't mount it, just dd it to an image file on another disk, then mount the image file read-only on a loop device so you can examine it without changing anything. # dd if=/dev/hdb1 of=/root/evidence/hdb1.img # dd if=/dev/hdb5 of=/root/evidence/hdb5.img Shutdown and put the laptop hard drive in a safe.. Then, to examine: # mount -o ro,loop /root/evidence/hdb1.img /mnt/evidence/hdb1 # mount -o ro,loop /root/evidence/hdb5.img /mnt/evidence/hdb5 # cd /mnt/evidence Hope that helps, ...Kevin