--=-bX+/SEBeQp8ymL/KXeVH Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I am trying to setup internal e-mail on my systems and I'm having weird problems. My firewall is, my e-mail (sendmail and ipop3d) are on, .2 is also my internal dns that all my machines use. My firewall is setup for eth0 being my vdsl connection, eth1 is my internal nic. All machines connect to the outside via iptables nat. Qwest blocks port 25, I think that's my problem, coming from the internal nat. when sends an e-mail, it goes to .2 which resolves the-arcanum.org as internal, when I watch sendmail on .2, it says it is deferred and stops. It won't send it.=20 I tried changing my dns to resolve the-arcanum.org to be .2 , but that didn't work, it came back saying that the message loops back to itself, MX problem. So I added MX records for the-arcanum.org to point to .2 but then sendmail just times out trying to send a message. Is this all because qwest is blocking 25 and I'm internally nat'ing, or something else? I didn't have this problem when I had normal dsl without any ports being blocked, but maybe I'm missing the problem. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? nathan --=20 Nathan England nathan at the-arcanum.org jabber id: linuxjunkie@jabber.earth.li "A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular." --Adlai Stevenson Registered Linux User #189789, Machine #106603 --=-bX+/SEBeQp8ymL/KXeVH Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name=signature.asc Content-Description: This is a digitally signed message part -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQBADkFaBSK6uOjZg9gRAgLhAJ455EhUZZ6Qu9xywPl5jZIs57InmACfSgvT qFolMr7dlR7p5KsMYyU1BOc= =lHCS -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --=-bX+/SEBeQp8ymL/KXeVH--