On Tue, 2004-01-13 at 19:04, FoulDragon@aol.com wrote: > I've been a bit busy attempting to stuff Windows 2000 onto a box > that's metamorphosized a lot, which turned my boot order and > partitions into a thick, creamy mush (plus it reboots for no apparent > purpose every so often, so I've not kept up with Linux. > > Has anyone shipped a 2.6 based distro? (prepare for a whine for > CDs...) Does 2.6 handle NTFS partitions well? Does any distributor > include the closed-source nVidia driver packets on disc? --- I had that happen on one of my Shuttle compacts and it turned out that the memory went bad. Also turned out that I couldn't restart the computer without resetting the bios and the bios jumper doesn't work on the nVidia chipsets - you actually have to power on while holding the 'insert' key on the keyboard until the bios resets...go figure. Anyway, I think the first two questions are no at this point...the 3rd - I don't know but that seems to be a weak reason to pick a distro. nVidia does have drivers available for download for current distro's and they aren't that hard to install. Craig