Am 11. Jan, 2004 schw=E4tzte Richard L. Proctor so: > I lock my front door when not at home. I never lock my car. I never lock the doors on my motorcycle :). > But this leads me to an interesting story. When I had my boat back east = I use > to pick up this one guy from his big boat which was moored out in the har= bor. > He would lock his cabin with a paddle lock and then toss the key on the d= ash. > > I asked him why bother to lock the cabin if you toss the key up on the da= sh. > He said one year they broke into this boat and toor the entire hatch and > cabin door down. Cost him a lot of money to repair it. So he told me th= e > purpose of the key is to keep honest people out and to let the destructiv= e > ciminals in. I've known a few people who use this approach. ciao, der.hans --=20 # # We now return you to your regularly scheduled paranoia...