While I'm ranting about things that make my wife's linux box a support nightmare for me... Here's another one... She connects the digital camera to the usb port and clicks an icon I put on the gnome desktop. The icon launches a shell script that mounts /dev/sda1 onto /mnt/cam and copies all the image files over to ~/cam/dump, then umounts /dev/sda1. Now, she navigates in nautilus to the folder ~/cam/dump and there is a list of images from the camera. No problem. I can't find an _intuitive_ app to associate with .jpg files for viewing and printing these images. I tried associating .jpg with: Nautilus - no printing option Eye-of-Gnome - no printing option GQview - no printing option Galeon/Mozilla - prints only to top left corner of page The Gimp - way too complicated for simple viewing/printing Adobe Photoshop (on wine) - way too slow and printing is buggy Any suggestions for an intuitive, simple, view/print app that will allow centering on the page and scaling to fit page? ...Kevin