Michael Havens wrote: > I'm trying to do so but every time I try it turns into a tmp file. Do I have > to worry about this? I realize that it is saying that the recovery was > successful but this happens everytime with every file I edit with vi. What is > the problem? > > Swap files found: > Using specified name: > 1. .sources.list.swo > owned by: root dated: Thu Dec 11 10:07:54 2003 > file name: /etc/apt/sources.list > modified: no > user name: root host name: bmike1 > process ID: 3043 (still running) > 2. .sources.list.swp > owned by: root dated: Thu Dec 11 00:34:23 2003 > file name: /etc/apt/sources.list > modified: no > user name: root host name: bmike1 > process ID: 2162 (still running) > In directory ~/tmp: > -- none -- > In directory /var/tmp: > -- none -- > In directory /tmp: > -- none -- > > Enter number of swap file to use (0 to quit): 2 > Using swap file ".sources.list.swp" > Original file "/etc/apt/sources.list" > E308: Warning: Original file may have been changed > Recovery completed. You should check if everything is OK. > (You might want to write out this file under another name > and run diff with the original file to check for changes) > Delete the .swp file afterwards. > > Hit ENTER or type command to continue > The problem is probably how you are exiting vi. :wq colon write quit don't use the ctrl characters to get out.