On Wed, 10 Dec 2003, Alexander Henry wrote: > WTF is a FIFO? first in/first out. On a Linux box, mkfifo is included with the coreutils software. Try "info mkfifo" or "man mkfifo". A FIFO is also called a "named pipe". You can write data to the file (made by mkfifo) and then read that same data. rainier:~$ mkfifo ~/tmp/myfifo rainier:~$ echo hello > ~/tmp/myfifo & [1] 15259 rainier:~$ cat ~/tmp/myfifo hello [1]+ Done echo hello >~/tmp/myfifo Better yet, do above on different consoles without using ampersand. And you will see how it blocks until it's read. That example is to simple. Another example is having a script that creates a new signature for every mail. So, you would have a loop writing new signatures to the fifo file. It will block until it is read (so the loop won't continue until that data is read), then next time will have new signature. Jeremy C. Reed http://www.reedmedia.net/