Trying to share a scanner with Sane. Got a Windows box to connect and properly scan when running the server "standalone" (saned -d) as root and as saned (changed the shell temporarily), everything works fine. However, from xinetd, scanimage -L gets: [net] connect_dev: trying to connect to [net] connect_dev: [0] connection succeeded (IPv4) [net] connect_dev: sanei_w_init [net] connect_dev: net_init (user=manu, local version=1.0.3) [net] connect_dev: argument marshalling error (Connection reset by peer) [net] connect_dev: closing connection to [net] sane_get_devices: ignoring failure to connect to Here's my saned xinetd file: service sane { port = 6566 socket_type = stream protocol = tcp wait = no user = saned group = saned disabled = no server = /usr/sbin/saned } and the content of the messages in /var/log: Dec 9 01:21:14 hades xinetd[6475]: START: sane pid=32319 from= Dec 9 01:21:14 hades xinetd[32319]: FAIL: sane address from= I hand-created a user saned and a group saned, and made sure that the /dev/usb/scanner0 device belonged to the right group (although it was rw by all). I've searched the net, but everything that's said, I've done, and I can't figure out the rest :( (maybe it's just way past my bedtime...) Anyway, if anyone has ideas, I'm open :) Thanks!