I wrote a quick python script to parse your log and found that there was a total of 16 hours, 26 minutes and 12 seconds of logged downtime. I noticed your polling appears to be on a per minute basis, so I'm guessing we are probably + or - 30 minutes from the actual downtime. This ends up being 99.26% availability. Looking at it further, it appears that approximately half of the down time occured between 12am and 6am which could be considered plan outage period. Assuming that is the case, that does end up being 99.6% availability excluding planned downtime. In addtion, certain periods of time (Sept 10-16) have relatively significant connectivity issues (57% of the recorded downtime happened during that particular week). Overall my experience has been similar. There are certain periods that are rough but overall, pretty dependable (atleast in my opinion). On the plus side, it appears that your connection has been flawless over the past month. Perhaps Cox worked out the connectivity issues in your particular area? Hopefully from here on out the availability will continue to rise (99.9%+? we can dream .. :) Joe KevinO wrote: > I started with Cox in July and had enough problems with their service that I > started monitoring and logging my network connection. > > See: http://www.kevino.org/cox_status.txt > > I would be on DSL if I had the choice.