On Mon, 2003-12-01 at 22:11, Ted Gould wrote: > The copy protection stuff is HDCP, and I thought that most > implementations would work with connecting a non-encrypted signal in. > (so the fact that your PC doesn't encrypt shouldn't bother you TV, but > if you tried to take a VCR output into a non-encrypted display it > shouldn't work). The protocol is stupid simple though, so I wouldn't be > surprised if there was a card out there that supported it. I'd look at > something from ATI for this because they make lots of consumer > electronics chips also. Got it. This would be the ultimate connection for my application. I'll try to find a linux-friendly video card with DVI out. What does this mean if I buy an HD receiver later on? I only have a single DVI input on the TV. Will I have to buy a DVI switchbox or something? > As far as the conversion from RGB to YPrPb, it isn't a big deal - but it > seems like everyone wants to charge like it is. I think that if you go > to Ultimate Electronics they'll sell you one for ~$100 or so. If you > get that you should be able to do full 1080i (or 1080p if your TV > supports it). You might have to write some mode lines for X - I don't > know if those are built in yet (they're not that hard to write). Something like this should work, right? http://www.audioauthority.com/aacconsumers/9a60detc.html By the way, I have used videogen to write mode lines before. Seems to work pretty well: http://software.freshmeat.net/projects/videogen/ > Sorry I can't give more pratical details, I haven't done any of this > with a PC or anything like that. If you have questions about the > protocols or formats I can babble some more - but I don't know any > specific cards that can help. Ted, thanks for the brain dump. This is _very_ helpful and gets me pointed in the right direction. I appreciate it! I'll post my solution to the list for archiving. ...Kevin