On Nov 16, 2003, at 11:45 AM, plug wrote: > Does anybody out there have any experience with getting a ATI 9600 > video card working with Linux? I've been having quite a time... I > just built what I would classify as a fairly mainstream machine, ASUS > mobo, 512M Corsair, 2600+ Athlon, Sapphire Radeon 9600 Pro. The > drivers appear to compile properly, as per ATI's directions. But, I > can't seem to get rid of the Mesa software OpenGL renderer... Please > let me know if anyone feels like playing with this mess--I can come to > you This certainly doesn't count as 'experience' but I'm running Yellow Dog on a Mac with an ATI 9600. The problem is that by the time I installed Yellow Dog, the issues with the 9600 had been worked out to the point where the card was auto-detected and the installer just did the right thing. The point of this post is that there are folks on the Yellow Dog list who did work through the issues and you might want to ask on their list or search through their archives if you don't get an answer soon on this list. I have always found the YDL developers very helpful. The list is at I hope someone there can help you soon.