moin, moin, A couple of weeks ago I attended LISA, Large Installation System Administration, the largest conference of the year for USENIX, the UNIX association. This year LISA got off with a smokey start as much of SoCal was in flames. According to those who arrived early Saturday was beautiful, but starting Sunday the fires and the smoke from them became all to evident. Not that big a tragedy for those at the conference, but some people stayed away from the conference due to health reasons. Others, such as myself, were delayed in arriving due to highway and airport closures. A minor inconveniece compared to those experienced by people who live in the area. The hotel was handing out painters masks and much of the outside staff was wearing them throughout the week :). As I arrived after the conference was going the first place I headed was the terminal room in order to jack in and try to catch those in presentations. Most of the conference rooms had wireless connectivity, so there was lots of electronic chatter going on the whole weak. The wireless was often overloaded with the number of people on it. The uplink to the Net was a pair of DSL connections, which was wholly inadequate. Then again, with 1300 geeks an OC192 might be wholly inadequate :). Many people talked about the traffic they were seeing with sniffers, so remember to use encryption. There were presentations on SPAM, security without using firewalls, tracking DoS attacks and viruses, configuration management, AFS, Linux, sys_adms in pop culture, how to get your paper accepted and many more. Birds of a Feather (BoF): these are like the GNU/Linux Stammtisch, they're a meeting about a particular interest. Some are vendor presentations ( those usually have no cost drinks ), many are geek topics ( *BSD, configuration management ), some are activities ( key-signing party ), some are just plain parties :). Some BoF topics were LSB, women in computing ( no men allowed ), SAGE local groups, configuration management ( a two hour geek war ), *BSD and a key-signing party. BoFs are a good chance for networking ( in the meeting people sense ) and for learning more about a topic through group conversation. Hallway Track: the "Hallway Track" is a euphemism for meeting people and learning via spontaneous geek conversations. The last night I got to know a couple of nice Canadians by overhearing a question about SSL and stopping to join the conversation. One of the Canadians is working on research for her PhD at CERT in Pennsylvania and can likely help a friend working on her Masters at ASU. The hallway track can be very productive. It's full of geeks, not marketing droids :). There are often outings to non-geek activities ( LEGOland is a common destination when in San Diego ), but I didn't participate in any of these this conference. I did get out and "aboot" ( as one Canadian put it :) for dinner a couple of times. Conferences bring in a wide variety of people from all over the world, so don't be surprised if you find yourself to be in the cultural minority. It's a learning experience. It was strange, even for me, to be at parties where a significant number of people were drunk and have conversations about geek topics such as how to improve SMTP, or which wireless technologies to watch, or advantages and disadvantages of programming languages, editors, MUAs, etc. It was also interesting to turn around at a party and meet Eric Allman :). People I (re-)met: Bdale Garbee, USENIX board, SAGE board, Eric Allman, kc claffy, Greg Rose, Thomas Lange ( author of FAI ), Eric Allman. As I already posted to the list from LISA, it was really fun to give Bdale a copy of the AZOTO/PLUG-branded Knoppix. He thought it was cool. When I called debian the 'one true distribution', he stopped, looked at me and said, "I love it when other people say that" :). LISA wraps up with the game show. Rob Kolstad has been running the game show for 17 years. It's like Jeapardy, but with geeks as the contestants. In short, it's hilarious. If you go to LISA, plan on staying to see or maybe even participate in the game show. It's a great way to finish off the week. Maybe even hope the game show breaks down because then Dan Klein, the mouse driver for the game show, might do some stand up. He's pretty funny. ciao, der.hans -- # # "... the social skills of a cow on acid." - der.hans