Am 02. Nov, 2003 schw=E4tzte Chris Gehlker so: > Know you enemy, Hans. There are much better browsers and mail clients > for Windows than Explorer and Outlook. If fact, convincing ordinary > users to switch away from Outlook and Explorer should be much easier > than convincing them to change their whole OS. I think IE is the only > browser left on Windows that doesn't block pop-up adds. In another thread I mentioned getting people to use Free Software on non-Free platforms. > This argument is essentially that we would all be better off > collectively if MS didn't have their monopoly. I think that is so > obvious that it isn't worth debating. The thing is, it's a big jump > from there to the assertion that some particular individual would be > better of switching to Linux. I don't think you can know that without > knowing that individual personally. I don't think it is. Are you working? If so, high unemployment doesn't matter to you, right? No, for many reasons. High unemployment increases gov't costs, which means increased taxes. Since you're the one working, you get to pay the taxes. Unemployment means less things are being bought, whic= h might cause your company financial problems, which can threaten your job. When unemployment is high your company knows it has a better chance of exploiting you, because you have no where to go. If you are unemployed, and unemployment is high, then it affects you directly because it's hard to get a job. In any case, you're better off if the economy is in good shape. m$ knows the schtick and takes advantage of it every day. ciao, der.hans --=20 # # Keine Ahnung, was ich dir sagen soll, # keine Ahnung und keinen (.)plan. -- die Toten Hosen