On Wed, 2003-10-29 at 21:16, Chris Gehlker wrote: > On Oct 29, 2003, at 8:29 PM, betty wrote: > > > why is my print quality so poor with my printer (hp photosmart 1115) > > on my linux box and so good on my windoze box (doesn't matter if i > > made the photo in gimp or photoshop and send it to the printer via > > windoze; it is good quality; with the linux it is not - it prints out, > > but just not high quality) > > i have tried configuering (sp?) it as seemed appropriate; but > > obviously it is not adequate. > > has someone already gone down this road before? > > any questions i should be asking or things to double check.? > > > > btw the linux machine works great with the laser printer. > > would really like to get away from the windoze altogether if possible > > here. > > thanks in advance for any pointers. > > (remember i am simple newbie gui user) > > betty i. > > An educated guess > > In Mac OS you always install the specific driver for your printer if > you can find it. ----- this is relevant how? ----- > If you can't, you fall back on the Gimp-Print printer > driver. The Gimp driver is sort of a Jack of All Trades. It supports a > lot of printers but doesn't support any very well. It says here: > "Drivers made by the printer manufacturers are generally higher > quality and offer more detailed functionality than this open source > driver." > > A quick look at the HP site reveals that they make drivers for the > photosmart 1115 only in Win and Mac flavors. I think what you are > seeing under Linux is simply the best that Gimp-Print can do. > > Sorry I can't be more encouraging. ----- I'm sorry too that you can't be more encouraging. Thankfully, others have been more encouraging by suggesting www.linuxprinting.org which does suggest that she should be able to get good quality support from that printer. Craig