moin, moin, the InstallFest was very well organized. Kudos to George and those who helped him set it up. I think the host table at the front really went well. It definitely lended to our credibility and worked as a reassuring welcome for the installees. Speaking of the installees, we had 17, according to the paperwork I have. We only had problems on a couple of boxen. Can't do much if the hardware doesn't work, but I think those installees saw that we really went out of our way to try to help them, though. Normally I don't comment on individual installees, but this time we had someone in from Spain. Pretty long trip to install GNU/Linux. He's gonna stick around for a year and be an exchange student, though, so I guess it works out :). He plans on making ASULUG's InstallFest and is really looking forward to their CrackFest. Thanks to all those who helped prepare for the InstallFest and thanks to those who were there yesterday to help with installs and to do presentations/demos. I want to thank Betty for bringing in snacks for everybody and for bringing hardware to donate to other PLUGgers. Thanks to David and Steve for shipping in from DeLUG to help. They should have their first meeting in Nov. I'd like to propose that the PLUG west side meeting be moved to their first meeting to help them kick off their LUG. DeLUG is intersted in working with the west side group to improve Free Software awareness in the west valley. Thanks to Austin and Monika from ASULUG for stopping in to help. They've got an InstallFest coming up in 2 weeks. Thanks to eldric and UAT for hosting the event. Thanks also to Austin for all the work he's been doing on making the PLUG-branded Knoppix CDs. We're getting good at this and we're making a difference for some people. ciao, der.hans -- # # If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then # you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and # I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have # two ideas. -- George Bernard Shaw