Am 17. Oct, 2003 schw=E4tzte Augie Grayfox so: > Helping is Good...however, > The computers were recovered by the Peoria Police. It doesn't say all of the computers were recovered. Hmm, article's not ther= e and I don't see a way to pull up old articles. If I remember correctly 30 computers were stolen, but the school is now 9 computers short. That makes me think 9 or the 30 computers weren't recovered. > They need to return them to the school. According to what's been reported= to > the media, they should have plenty of evidence to get convictions on the > looney toons that stole 'em. > The PD should make sure they don't victimize the school again and deprive > those kids of their education, instead of "we're just doing our job." Looks like they might've actually done so if the school is only down the 9 computers. > Had a friend whose home computer had been involved in some bad stuff by > supposed 'friends.' LSS > LongStoryShort: The bad guys were convicted the pc had been entered as > evidence, but because of appeals, police kept her pc for almost three yrs= =2E > Just aint right! It's not the cops. It's the defence lawyers and non-tech-savvy justice system. Ernie,, posted a query on how to view the data on hard drives without changing anything because changing a single bit on the hard drive will get it banned as evidence. What does the boot sector have to do with the email content saved to the drive? The swap sector? That's like saying all the evidence in a house is not admissable because someone opened the refrigerator door. There might be cases where that's true, but it isn't the general case. ciao, der.hans --=20 # # Magic is science unexplained. - der.hans