Hi, all- The resolution problem with my monitor is fixed (thanks to all for your advice on that) but I am having another problem. The screen periodically becomes covered with horizontal and vertical lines. If I log out at that point, X appears to be hosed- I just get a blank screen. If I reboot, everything goes back to normal until the problem repeats. I am running Mandake 8.2, and using an Nvidia card. Long before getting my new monitor, I had loaded the Nvidia drivers, and reconfigured my /etc/X11/XF86config4 file as the Nvidia installation instructions specify. Now, My XF86config4 file is back to showing the driver as "nv" instead of "nvidia" and the " load "glx"" line under Modules is missing. WTF? Should I just correct my config file and hope for the best? Am I looking at one problem here or two? Most important, if I correct my XF86config4 file and am unable to restart X, how do I restore the previous settings? -- Lee Einer Dos Manos Jewelry http://www.dosmanosjewelry.com