--- Steve Smith wrote: > der.hans wrote: [snip] > > The official distros, I think, are the enterprise distros from Red > Hat and > > SuSE. You might also look at Miracle Linux ( notice the logo > similarity and > > Oracle muckity-mucks on the board for Miracle Linux ). > > > > I'm not sure RH ES is available for download. > > I read (iirc) that RH ES is based on RH 7.2. I know that the source > RPMs > for ES are available for download (but no iso images). One might > "roll > their own" RH ES by starting with 7.2 as a build platform, > integrating > the ES RPMs then adding the erratta updates -- I don't know for sure > that the erratta are available for download but I'd be surprised if > they're not. For reference, from dell's linux-poweredge list (specifically, http://lists.us.dell.com/pipermail/linux-poweredge/2003-September/015734.html ) http://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/enterprise/ http://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/updates/enterprise/ > Sounds like it'd keep a person busy for awhile - I'd check around if > someone's already done that or published a better procedure. Here's a reference from that list which indicates that, for now, it looks like no one has gone through the time and trouble to make freely available ISOs: http://lists.us.dell.com/pipermail/linux-poweredge/2003-September/015883.html [snip] > > ciao, > > > > der.hans > > Steve __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search http://shopping.yahoo.com