Bob, There isn't a registration process as such. When you show up we have forms for you to fill out then we direct you to an appropriate installer. However, lap-tops can sometimes be a bit tricky. Or, so I've heard. For that reason, you may want to provide me (I'll get it to the proper folks) with any information you have such as make and model. We should be able to find someone with experience on that type of equipment thereby allowing us to be ready. Looking forward to seeing you there. George > -----Original Message----- > From: > [] > Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 10:19 PM > To: > Subject: Do I register or just show-up? > > > Hi > > Do I register or just show-up with my lap-top in hand? > > Thanks, > -- > > Bob Rosenberg > > I yearn for the day when eternal vigilance doesn't have to be > quite so bloody > vigilant! > > ******************************************** > > > > >