On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 10:03:13AM -0700, Derek Neighbors wrote: /_ /_There are some things that are practical and affect everyone that we /_should be fairly vigilant about trying to get people to comply with... /_Then there are things that make practical inconviences for some, which /_we should list as "etiquette", but not flame people if they violate. /_ I agree. But sometimes some folks just need to be made aware of some things like top posting, hi-jaking threads, etc. Heck, some folks still have no clue about html. I think some things like editing a message and trying not to top post require some effort. It is more work. If I have to be slapped a couple times to be reminded about top posting, then so be it. In the end, my skills improved. I do not believe in public flaming, but I will not hesitate after weeks on end of hijaking to send that person a direct message and ask "what's up?". I would want someone to tell me. It's kind of like having your wife go tell you to brush your teeth. Not in front of everyone, but a whisper in someone's ear sometime saves some embarrassment. -mike