Am 17. Sep, 2003 schw=E4tzte Deepak Saxena so: > Are they the reason that Beeloe's closed down? I don't know why Beeloe's closed down. Beeloe's certainly would've died onc= e the "library" ( another chain ) opened, though, because they've been given enough of the sidewalk to make it difficult to get into Beeloe's. > Is Bander relocating? It's one of the few places in town where you > can get good beer and that's not some nationwide chain. Not relocating. Rumor has it that the brewery is definitely a goner. If Joe Bob sets up elsewhere I'm sure to hear of it, despite the fact that = I don't like beer. > So sad :( Yup. Now I really wish I'd taken the job in .de. ciao, der.hans --=20 # # C'est la Net - der.hans