-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 der.hans wrote: | Am 14. Sep, 2003 schwätzte Rob Wultsch so: | | I don't mind a company standing behind a distribution and making money on | it. Heck, I'm trying to get something like that here in the Valley :). Neither do I. However, I do have a problem with a company using false marketing schemes to try to trick people into beliving they are backed by someone they are not. [1] I also, have serve problems with a company using software built by the community and not playing by the rules. [2] |>1. First it is debian underneath that many of use know and love. |>2. Every review claims that it is easly to install. | | Irrelevant if it's coming pre-installed :). That they're getting companies | to pre-install it is great. The fact they are making inroads in this area is good. This is why we should not be hostile towards them. |>4. It is a suscription based service as much as it is an OS. So most of |>the programs are availible for free (as in both), but does that mean |>that they will apt-get nicely? If Lindows can keep installation easy and |>bug free then is that not worth paying for? | | | As long as they make security updates no-cost and easily installable I'm | fine with them charging for upgrade of non-security updates. Same thing goes | for Red Hat, Mandrake, et al. The way they are moving is to make Click N Run completely incompatiable with apt-get (it already is as of 4.0). It probably will not be long before they disable the ability to use apt-get as well. At which point you have someone trying to lock you into their service (Being they are the only click n run provider) This is not good. - -Derek Neighbors [1]http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/09/30/1135213&mode=thread&tid=120 [2]http://gnu-friends.org/story/2002/4/15/152033/483 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iD8DBQE/ZUOdHb99+vQX/88RAqdNAJ0RBkVDqSRfTws/jhYjLBh5CuAx+wCffl4B H69ru3i+FgdxSBQKrEQn3Aw= =GeDu -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----